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Everything You Need to Know About Profile's Journey App

Profile supports members in a variety of ways as they progress through their weight loss journey. Alongside the unlimited weight loss support and guidance of our certified health and wellness coaches, and the wide variety of delicious food options and nutrition plans, members get access to the simple and handy Journey App. 

With a collection of useful features and tools, our app makes tracking your progress and reaching your weight loss goals simple and convenient. The Journey App allows Profile members to view their personalized plan, track their food, water, activity, and progress, as well as interact with their Profile Coach via mobile device or computer.

Curious about what the inside of the Journey App looks like for members? Join us in exploring each of the following app resources:

1. Measure Your Results

Documenting your success and actively measuring your results provides motivation to keep working, even when things get tough. Having a thorough overview of your progress will allow you to gage success, stay motivated, and make positive decisions during your weight loss journey.

Progress tab on journey app

The Progress Tab:

  • Enter your weight manually or track your weight instantly with a Profile Digital Smart Body Scale (included in your member Success Kit).
  • See your progress measured by:
    1. Pounds lost
    2. Percent of body weight lost
    3. Weight until goal
    4. Weight loss over time

2. View Your Custom Meal Plan

With over 200 different custom weight loss plans, you will be paired with a plan that is effective, simple to follow, and tailored personally for you.


Nutrition tab on journey app

The Nutrition Tab:

  • View your personalized meal plan
  • Track your daily food intake and customize exactly what you are eating throughout the day for self-accountability (optional)
  • Print or save grocery lists provided by coaches

3. Monitor Your Daily Activity 

All too often, we set unrealistic activity goals because we’re told it’s what we are supposed to do. However, for activity to actually stick you need to figure out how to consistently work it into your week. At Profile, we realize that your goals belong to you and their importance must be defined by you for it to be motivational.

Activity tab on journey app


The Activity Tab:

  • Set personal daily or weekly exercise goals
  • Both you and your coach can add an activity plan to your journey account
  • Sync your account to Apple Health and Fitbit

4. Reflect On Your "Why" 

Write your goals down and celebrate your wins! Whether on the Journey App, or in a good ole fashion journal, writing things down helps you get crystal clear on what you want.

And don't forget to celebrate everything, even the small stuff! That big goal isn’t going to happen overnight, so take time to focus on the small and significant steps it takes to get there. This can help boost your internal motivation and happiness around making changes, bringing you greater long-term success, appreciation, and gratitude.

Journal tab on journey app

The Journal Tab:

  • In the #JourneyAtHome modules we encourage you to reflect on all your accomplishments
  • Document your challenges, successes, and non-scale victories (NSVs)

5. Healthy Education Hub

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can be challenging by itself, let alone when there is never-ending information with a click of a button on the internet. The weight loss methods we use were heavily studied and evaluated by top researchers and physicians, so you can rely on the tailored nutritional education provided to improve your long-term success.

Lifestyle tab on journey app

The Lifestyle Tab:

  • Access your Journey Map, which contains educational lessons to build knowledge, skills, and new behaviors
  • Graduate through lesson topics to receive new resources and useful information 
  • Fill out progress check-ins every 6 weeks to reflect on how far you've come, dig into your successes and challenges, and assess how you're doing in key areas

6. Set Personal Goals

Get SMART. What we mean by that is, create Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound goals. Once these are set, store them in the Journey App! 

goals tab on journey app

The Goals Tab:

  • Set short-, mid- and long-term goals to help keep you motivated throughout your Profile journey.
  • Click and drag current goals to completed goals at any time, then create more!
  • When you achieve a goal, you can automatically share on the Facebook member page (optional)

7. Get Answers To Your Questions

Our health coaches are here to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and tools you need to learn and grow throughout your journey. No matter the question, you can rely on our coaches to be credible sources for wellness information.

Messages tab on journey app

The Messages Tab:

  • Ask coaches questions about the app, your meal plan, journey modules, goals, etc. 
  • Receive affirmations and achievements
  • Review previous coaching session recaps and prepare for upcoming sessions

Let’s get you started on your lifestyle change!

See How It Works

The Journey App is one of our many tools we have available to our members to track their progress. Check out all of Profile's App & Technology features. Want to start tracking your success? Get started with a custom meal plan today!

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