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What Vegetarians Need To Know About Profile | Profile Plan

Written by Profile Plan | June 9, 2022

Are you ready to make a lifestyle change but having a hard time finding a weight loss program that follows a vegetarian plan? We get it! Because many common diets follow a high protein/low carb style, vegetarians are often left feeling either hungry and unsatisfied due to limited meal options or full and satisfied but bored of eating the same thing over and over again. Thankfully, Profile works to create a custom weight loss plan for all individuals, no matter their dietary preference or restriction. In this article we cover all you need to know about losing weight on a vegetarian diet and how you can do so with the help of Profile.

Included in this blog:

  1. What exactly is a vegetarian diet?
  2. What foods are included in a vegetarian diet?
  3. Does Profile have a vegetarian plan?
  4. What does a Profile vegetarian meal plan look like?
  5. Expert health and nutrition tips for vegetarians.
  6. Delicious, no-meat recipes.
  7. Get matched with a Profile plan

What is a vegetarian diet?

The term “Vegetarian” is commonly used to describe a group of consumers who have elected dietary and lifestyle practices which avoid the consumption of products of animal origin to varying degrees. In short, vegetarians don't eat meat. Rather, they focus on getting the nutrients their bodies need but through plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and more. However, there is no single type of vegetarian diet as this group has varying expectations on what these terms mean when applied to the food they consume. Most vegetarian diets fall into one of these four categories:

  1. Ovo-vegetarian – does not eat meat, poultry, seafood, gelatin, or dairy products. These individuals consume eggs.
  2. Lacto-vegetarian – does not eat meat, poultry, seafood, gelatin, or eggs. These individuals consume dairy and dairy products.
  3. Lacto-ovo vegetarian – does not eat meat, poultry, seafood, or gelatin. These individuals consume eggs, dairy, and dairy products.
  4. Pescatarian – does not eat meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs. These individuals consume fish.

What can you eat?

PSA: Vegetarian diets aren’t just made of lettuce. In reality, there is a variety of ways to get the basic nutrients the human body needs without consuming meat. Food included in a vegetarian diet are fruits, veggies, grains, beans, nuts, and (depending on the individual) dairy. At Profile, vegetarian meal plans are created by digging into all these food categories to create both delicious and nutritious meals made personally for your goals. Vegetarian meal plans include:

  • Fruits: Apples, bananas, berries, oranges, melons, pears, peaches
  • Vegetables: Leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots
  • Grains: Quinoa, barley, buckwheat, rice, oats
  • Legumes: Lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas
  • Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, cashews, chestnuts
  • Seeds: Flaxseeds, chia and hemp seeds
  • Healthy fats: Olive oil, avocados
  • Proteins: Tempeh, tofu, seitan, natto, nutritional yeast, spirulina, eggs, dairy products (dependent on an individuals eating pattern)

Does Profile have a vegetarian plan?

Profile tailors all nutrition plans to your individual needs and desires. Members get freedom in choosing which foods they would like to eat, and which foods they would not. In fact, if you have any dietary restrictions, medical conditions or food allergies, your health coach will help you navigate your meals and find healthy recipes according to your preferences. Profile's nutrition coaches will then monitor your weight loss success over time and guide you through your own personalized meal plan.

With the varying levels of vegetarianism, here are the recommended plans for those following certain vegetarian diets:

  1. Ovo-vegetarian – Balance. For individuals who only consume eggs as a source of animal protein, we recommend our Balance nutrition plan. We have plant-based protein shakes and bars that are both vegetarian and vegan-friendly. The Balance plan would offer more variety in foods and allow for more options from our plant-based grocery food list. 
  2. Lacto-vegetarian/lacto-ovo vegetarian – Reboot. For individuals who consume dairy products and eggs as a source of animal protein, we recommend our Reboot nutrition plan. We have a variety of shakes, bars, snacks and more that contain dairy proteins, which would be appropriate for lacto- and lacto-ovo vegetarians. This plan includes both grocery foods and Profile meal replacements which you can work with your coach to tweak depending on your preference.

A day in the life of a vegetarian member

Wondering what a day on Profile plan is like with a plant-based diet? Take a peak!

Profile's Balance Plan as a Ovo-vegetarian:

Breakfast: PB&J Protein Bowl

Snack: Profile Strawberry Peanut Butter Plant-Based Protein Bar

Lunch: Fiesta Frittata with eggs + black beans + tomatoes + green peppers + onions + avocado a top a bed of mixed greens

Snack: Orange + Mixed Nuts

Dinner: Tofu Stir Fry with tofu + edamame + broccoli + carrots + bean sprouts + oil + brown rice

Snack: Profile Chocolate Peanut Butter Plant-Based Protein Bar

Profile's Reboot Plan as a Lacto-ovo Vegetarian

Breakfast: Profile Cinnamon Swirl Plant-Based Protein Shake

Snack: Profile Strawberry Peanut Butter Plant-Based Protein Bar

Lunch: Veggie Thai Pizza Recipe

Snack: Profile Chocolate Peanut Butter Plant-Based Protein Bar

Dinner: Vegetarian Burger + Jicama-Cilantro Coleslaw + Mixed Greens + Avocado

Snack: Profile Chocolate Plant-Based Protein Shake

Tips from our registered dietitian

Regardless of if you are ovo-vegetarian, lacto-vegetarian, lacto-ovo or pescatarian, it is important to eat a wide variety of foods as there are key nutrients found in meat. By electing to avoid meat, vegetarians must pay a little extra attention to getting the proper amount of nutrients from other sources. To avoid nutrient deficiencies, here are some expert suggestions from our leading dietitian:


Calcium helps both build and maintain strong teeth and bones. Milk and dairy products are commonly known for high calcium content, however, dark green vegetables like kale and broccoli are also great sources when eaten in adequate amounts. In addition, consuming calcium-fortified foods such as cereals, tofu, and plant milks are also great options for maintaining proper calcium intake.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is also very important for bone health. Because it is often added to dairy products, be sure to thoroughly check the labels of plant-based milks and other fortified plant foods to ensure there is added vitamin D. If you feel you are not getting enough in your diet, or naturally from the sun, speak with your physician or dietitian to see if a supplement is needed.


Diets that do not include fish or eggs may be lower in omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important for heart health. Some great plant food sources to combat any lack of omega-3 in your diet include walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds, and select oils such as canola and soy oil. 

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 helps produce red blood cells and prevent anemia. Generally, getting enough vitamin B-12 can be more difficult when solely consuming plant-based foods. However, nutritional yeast, fortified cereals and plant-milks are all great sources.


To help with iron intake, include iron-rich plant foods like tofu, tempeh, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, fortified breakfast cereals, and dark green leafy vegetables. To help improve absorption, partner them with a source of vitamin C like fruit, broccoli, or red peppers.

No meat, no problem

Don't consume meat and wondering what vegetarian members eat on a Profile plan? With a wide variety of vegetarian recipes of all taste preferences and styles, our members don't have to worry about getting bored in a routine of repetition. We strive to keep things new and exciting and even have a line of plant-based products to easily incorporate into meal plans so that it is as simple as possible to work through your weight loss journey while living the lifestyle you chose!

Whether you’re a lifelong vegetarian and want to mix up your usual recipes, or you are an omnivore searching for healthier meals to incorporate into your routine, you got to try these healthy Profile-approved vegetarian recipes to shake things up. From smoothie bowls and salads to pizza and tacos, these dishes are absolutely delicious and simple to make. Get access here!

Find your plan

We know living with special dietary restrictions isn't always easy, especially when working towards a healthier lifestyle. But we want to make your weight loss journey as smooth and convenient as possible. Not only do we want to see the number on the scale go down, but the non-scale victories along the way are just as important on a member's journey like gaining energy, being able to do more of what you love, having new experiences, reducing medical burdens, and so many more.

Curious which Profile plan is the best fit for your health and wellness goals? Let us find you a match! Take our short 2-minute quiz to get paired with a custom weight loss plan and see how our science-backed nutrition plans can help you lose 3x more weight and keep it off for good.* Get started HERE.