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Candace's Winning Combo: Profile Plan + Weight Loss Medication

Written by Profile | August 8, 2023

Meet Profile Member - Candace B.

Embarking on a weight loss journey feels like navigating a labyrinth of choices, with numerous diet options and conflicting information vying for attention. However, for Candace, a determined member of Profile Plan, the combination of a comprehensive lifestyle and nutritional program with modern-day weight loss medication proved to be a true game-changer. Through the unwavering support, accountability, and expert guidance offered by Profile Plan, Candace has successfully lost over 40 pounds. 

"I am grateful that I used Profile to start my weight loss because it has taught me how to eat and not to use a weight loss drug as a crutch, but rather as a tool to help push past plateaus and to keep me motivated."


Getting Started on Profile Plan

Candace’s journey with Profile began in April 2021 during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Later in January 2022, her doctor introduced Wegovy weight loss medication to accelerate her progress. The combination of Profile Plan and Wegovy proved to be an incredibly effective strategy, allowing Candace to achieve the results she had been striving for.  

Like countless others, the pandemic had taken its toll on Candace's weight, leading to the accumulation of a few unwanted pounds. However, it was until a trip to Florida that she decided it was time to make a change.

"I remember packing for the trip, and nothing in my closet fit. I ended up wearing the same two dresses throughout the entire vacation because that’s the only thing I had that I could get on, and stores were all closed. When you are going to the beach, you want to wear fun things and feel your best. That was the moment when I knew I had to take action and prioritize my health."


While driving through town she happened to come across a Profile Plan sign. Immediately attracted by the coaching aspect of the program, Candace scheduled a free consultation and joined soon after. Despite getting sick during her first week on Profile, her motivation to continue did not lack. Instead, she said:

“I got started and the very next week caught covid, so the first two weeks of my weight loss journey were spent stuck in bed sick. Surprisingly, I think that helped me jumpstart my weight loss because I saw really great results right away and that's what got me motivated to stick with it.” 


Interested in embarking on your own weight loss journey? Schedule a FREE consultation like Candace did to discuss your goals with a certified health coach! Click HERE.

Previous Weight Loss Attempts

Over the years, Candace had gone through numerous ups and downs with her weight, pushing herself to extreme fitness measures. In 2016, she participated in the Iron Man, a grueling competition consisting of a 2.4-mile swim, 112 miles of cycling, and a full 26-mile marathon. However, to her dismay, instead of shedding pounds she managed to gain weight during her rigorous training, ending the season four pounds heavier than when she started. 

I was already heavy as it was so gaining an extra 4 pounds was frustrating. I began to get the what more can I do mindset. Like I couldn’t do more physical activity than train for an Iron Man, so it was extremely discouraging. 


Candace was putting so much effort into her fitness as a solution for healthy living and weight loss that she was doing over 25 hours of cardio a week and using this as a crutch to eat whatever she’d like.

“I would burn such high levels of calories and tell myself it was okay to eat whatever and how much ever I wanted but I would end up eating like that for every meal.”


Despite dedicating countless hours a week to intense physical activity, Candace’s weight remained stubbornly unaffected. And once she stopped her training, she developed a habit of using her intense workouts as an excuse to indulge in whatever foods she desired, without considering their nutritional value. This was the pivotal moment that she started to realize that her emphasis on physical activity alone was not enough. The key to successful weight loss primarily lies in nutrition.

“I was so focused on trying to lose weight through exercise that when I stopped the crazy routine, my eating habits didn’t change, and I gained more weight. You think it has to be hard to lose weight so people end of pushing themselves too much and get discouraged. It really just comes down to what you are eating.” 


Weight Loss Medication x Profile Plan

After being on a Profile plan for a few months and losing 30 pounds, Candaces doctor was impressed with her progress and suggested adding Wegovy medication to accelerate her weight loss efforts. Candace embraced the new drug but still believed that sustainable weight loss required more than just an appetite suppressant.  

I do think it's dangerous to only rely on the drug just to lose your appetite because the second you stop using; your appetite is going to come back and thus your weight. Weight loss medication is just a quick fix, it is the fundamental behavioral changes that help you get sustainable results.” 


By focusing on retraining her mindset around eating and understanding proper nutrition, Candace knew she had the correct foundation for lasting success. The combination of Profile Plan's nutrition coaching and Wegovy's effects worked hand in hand to maximize her weight loss potential. 

"Like I said before, most of weight loss boils down to understanding proper nutrition for your body and lifestyle. Having somebody there to hold you accountable and give you truthful, expert advice and guidance I think is the real value of Profile and that's what really appealed to me over other programs. Having someone else hold me accountable and the weekly coaching sessions were my favorite part.”


Are you currently taking or are interested in starting weight loss medication to increase your results? At Profile, we recognize that pairing weight loss medication with a behavior modification program and personalized experience will not only enhance your outcome, but you’re more likely to maintain your goals. Learn more about Profile's custom-designed set of plans support those taking weight loss medications, such as GLP-1s.

Why Choose Weight Loss With Profile?

One of the key aspects Candace believes led to her success was the level of personalized support her plan offered. Unlike other weight loss programs that rely on automatic bots or anonymous helplines, Profile offers certified, personable coaches who understand the sensitive nature of weight loss. Their accountability, emotion and guidance were instrumental in her success. 

"You are not just calling into a 1-800 number and talking to somebody that you don’t know about your personal weight loss journey. I attribute my weight loss to Profile. Wegovy was a tool along the way that helped me, but I lost the weight because of the support of Profile.” 


Candace also appreciated the simplicity and convenience of Profile’s food. The availability of predictable, packaged shakes and snacks made meal planning effortless. Instead of worrying about measuring, prepping and counting calories, she could simply grab and go knowing everything was accounted for in her Profile Journey App. 

"A lot of programs over complicate things where Profile is just so simple. For example, having predictable packaged shakes and chips to eat is so convenient for my schedule. I think it makes things easier because you're not worried about measuring out and prepping all these snacks and counting the nutritional value. What you eat is already tracked in your meal plan on your app. It makes eating healthy so mindless. I think for anybody with a busy schedule would appreciate the convenience and simplicity of Profile’s program.” 


Celebrating Non-Scale Victories

Throughout her weight loss journey, Candace experienced many non-scale victories but a particularly impactful moment was when she got the opportunity to start fresh in a new career. Shedding the weight allowed her to embrace a new persona and brought back the joy of shopping for clothes. Being able to shop based on personal preferences, rather than seeking only what fit was a truly rewarding experience for Candace.

"It was like I had a reset button in my life, and I really needed that. I changed up my hair and was able to go shopping and get a whole new work wardrobe. Feeling confidence in both my body and career was a life changing moment for me.” 


She also began to see major improvements in their overall health including lowered cholesterol levels, normalized blood pressure, and increased energy levels. 

"My doctor now calls me her poster child because she is so proud of me and the progress I have made on my health. All my numbers are down. My cholesterol has and is like pristine now, my blood pressure is back down to normal and I am just so much healthier and have more energy.” 

Candace's Advice

"If it doesn't feel right, it's probably not right for you. I found that Profile Plan fit all the boxes that I needed. I love the scale that automatically uploads to an app so I can see my progress and I love the accountability from a real personal coach. Those are examples of things that resonated well with me, but you got to find what works for you. I really do believe that Profile is the answer for everybody, you just have to adapt it to your unique lifestyle and figure out what you like and don't like. But overall, it should feel natural and easy. If it doesn’t fit into your life and feel natural, you are not going to continue it once you stop and you’re going to go right back to your old lifestyle. You have to change your life in a way that is very comfortable for you.”