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What Chelsea DeBoer Eats in a Day & Her Workout Routine

Written by Profile | October 19, 2021

We recently chatted with reality TV star Chelsea (Houska) DeBoer, who has been a Profile member since 2017, about what a typical day of eating and activity looks like for her. As a busy mom of four, Chelsea stays focused on her health with a consistent routine she can count on. Here is what she said a normal day looks like.


Chelsea wakes around 6 a.m. and has some coffee before the kids get up.

“I always start my day with a Profile protein shake mixed with iced coffee.”

For this combo, Chelsea goes with Chocolate Brownie or Vanilla Cake Batter. She then gets the kids up and ready for the day and feeds them breakfast.


Around 10 a.m., Chelsea hops on her Peloton® bike for a spin.

“I haven’t been obsessed with anything workout-wise before, but I love my Peloton,” she says. “Cody Rigsby is my fave.” Once her ride is done, it’s time for a Profile protein bar. “The S’mores Bars are my go-to.”


Lunch & Afternoon

Chelsea eats a quick lunch around 1 p.m.

“I love pre-packaged, chopped salad kits. I’ll also have another protein shake with iced coffee.”

Once lunch is enjoyed, Chelsea puts on her entrepreneur hat as she works on things for her collection of home goods, Aubree Says, or tasks for her clothing line at Lauriebelles. Around 4 p.m., she will have another protein bar as her afternoon snack.



For dinner, it’s all about the air fryer.

“I’m obsessed with my air fryer,” Chelsea laughs. “I air fry everything.” She loves to air fry salmon, steak bites, and all kinds of veggies. “It just makes it super easy to have a healthy, good dinner.”

Eating healthy has become a family affair.

“A lot of times in the past, I would make separate meals,” Chelsea says. “But my kids are actually starting to like healthy meals. My daughter Layne loves cauliflower in the air fryer, which was a nice surprise. Cole is doing the 75-day challenge with me, so he’s eating healthier. Aubree is eating healthy. So, it’s kind of become a family thing. It’s nice not to have to make separate meals. I feel like once you get started, the family wants to jump in.”



After dinner, it’s all about keeping the kiddos entertained until bedtime.

“Usually, the time between dinner and bedtime is chaos with all the kids,” Chelsea laughs. “I swear they reach another level of crazy. So, we always got to find something fun for them to do. We do have farm animals and they like to go out there and feed them.”

Then it’s bath and bedtime. Once the kids are asleep, Chelsea will have her last shake of the day. Again, she reaches for a Chocolate Brownie or Vanilla Cake Batter flavor. “I try to be done eating for the day at 8.”


After all these years, what keeps you at Profile?

“I think I’m the kind of person that needs that structure and routine. I like knowing what I’m going to eat and at what time. After all the years, I know that it works for me, and I know my body responds well to it. The routine is just ingrained in me, and I love that. If I get off track for a minute, I always know what to do to get back to what makes me feel good.”


Did you start one-on-one coaching again after having baby Walker?

“Yes, I did start seeing a coach again. I went for a few weeks in a row just to get myself back on track. I’ve obviously been on Profile before but getting that refresher and going into a coach I think helps so much. Being held accountable to go each week and talk to someone was super helpful. I also got a couple of body scans for the first time and I loved doing those.”


What was it about the Profile 3D Body Scans that you liked?

“I like that it shows you exact measurements, and you don’t have to be seen by anybody. You just go into a room by yourself, and it scans you in seconds. It’s just so nice to see the hard work you are putting in is making a difference each time."