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Oven Baked Kale Chips | Low Carb Kale Chips | Profile Plan

Written by Profile | June 6, 2020

Oven-baked Kale Chips? Wait?!?! Isn’t kale just like lettuce?

Kale does seem to be all the rage lately. References to it being a “super-food” are popping up everywhere. Despite its reputation as a health food, Kale is surprisingly delicious when prepared the right way.

Kale has virtually no fat, yet crisps up perfectly in the oven. Kale makes a great substitute when you need a little crunchy snack time in your life! We recommend baked kale chips as a replacement for your favorite potato chips, crackers or pretzels. This recipe will satisfy your salt cravings in a healthy and delicious way. 

In this recipe you’ll learn how to prepare kale as a low-carb swap or alternative to your favorite salty snack chips. You might even want to pair this snack with our low-carb yogurt dip recipe. Happy snacking!