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The Link Between Stress and Weight Gain: Managing Stress for Weight Loss Success

Written by Profile | May 4, 2023

Are you frustrated with trying to progress on your weight loss goals? You're certainly not alone! A lot of us can struggle with achieving our desired outcomes, especially when it comes to health and wellness. 

But did you know that high levels of stress may be playing a role in hindering your progress? Stress can not only have an impact on our physical, mental, and emotional health but is also particularly known for contributing to weight gain! 

Thankfully, there are steps we can take towards managing stress which help promote balance in the body and better overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the link between stress and weight gain as well as provide helpful guidance about managing stress for lasting results. 

The connection between stress and weight gain 

Stress and weight gain often go hand in hand, and the connection between the two is more complex than most people realize. When we experience stress, our bodies release cortisol, a hormone that triggers the fight or flight response. 

While cortisol is a natural response to stress, prolonged exposure to high cortisol levels can lead to weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area. 

Additionally, stress can disrupt sleep patterns, increase cravings for unhealthy foods, contribute to emotional eating, and make it harder to find the motivation to exercise. 

The role of cortisol in stress-related weight gain

Our bodies react to stress in various ways, including producing cortisol. This hormone plays a crucial role in our bodies, regulating our immune system and helping with metabolism. 

But when we experience chronic stress, our cortisol levels can become imbalanced, causing abnormal glucose production. The extra glucose can cause insulin resistance, a slower metabolism, and be converted into fat, which your body will store instead of burn off as a response to stress. 

So, if cortisol levels are consistently high, the body will continue to store fat even if there's no need to, leading to weight gain. 

Identifying your sources of stress 

Whether it's a demanding job, a challenging relationship, or financial troubles, stress is an inevitable part of life that affects us all. Whatever it may be, recognizing the root cause of your stress is a critical step in learning how to manage it.

Finding healthy ways to manage stress

While identifying what is causing chronic stress in your life, it's also essential to consider how you handle it. Many of us tend to turn to unhealthy ways, like excessive alcohol use, smoking, overindulging in sweets, or spending hours scrolling through social media to manage stress. 

Learning healthy coping methods and getting the proper support can help reduce stressful feelings.

Incorporating relaxation techniques into your life 

Unmanaged stress not only has the potential to wreak havoc on our physical health but our mental health as well. That's why it's important to incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine to handle stress effectively. 

While everyone's definition of relaxation is different, some techniques to reduce stress include:

  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Taking a relaxing bath
  • Deep breathing exercises 
  • Practicing yoga
  • Journaling
  • Going for a walk in nature

We can improve our overall well-being and quality of life by taking the time to unwind and de-stress. 

Establish healthy eating habits 

As mentioned earlier, stress is a common contributor to emotional overeating. And usually, emotional eating includes sweets and overly processed, unhealthy high-fat foods. 

Establishing healthy eating habits is crucial in reducing stress-related weight gain. You can reduce your reliance on convenient foods loaded with sugars, fats, and sodium by creating a meal plan with balanced meals, including lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. 

Not sure where to start? Profile Plan offers weight loss coaching to help you create a customized meal plan that works with your lifestyle, medical conditions, and weight loss goals. 

Move your body 

Exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress. Not only does it help get rid of tension in the body, but it also promotes the release of feel-good hormones, endorphins, which can help improve your mood. 

There are numerous ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Whether taking a brisk walk, joining a fitness class, or practicing yoga, finding an activity you enjoy and feel comfortable with is key. In addition, joining a community of like-minded individuals can also help keep you accountable and motivated to keep moving every day. 

It's important to remember that exercise doesn't have to be intense or strenuous to be effective. Even gentle activities, like stretching, can be beneficial for reducing stress and improving your overall well-being.

Final thoughts 

Unmanaged stress can prevent you from reaching your weight loss goals. It's important to understand what triggers your stress levels to manage it and attain success with your weight loss. By incorporating relaxation techniques, healthy eating habits, and daily exercise, you can reduce stress levels and keep off the excess weight. 

At Profile Plan, our health coaches focus on eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet, participating in regular physical activity (as able), getting adequate sleep, and managing stress healthily to help our clients meet their individual health goals. Learn more about our customized plans here


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