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Healthy Meal Prepping Guide [2021 Edition] | Profile Plan

Written by Profile | February 1, 2022

Life is busy and planning healthy meals can be a struggle. Meal prepping makes eating healthy easy! Follow these simple steps, and you will be successfully prepping your lunches and dinners in no time! Want to dive right in? Get a copy of our ultimate meal planning guide with our best tips to make meal prep easy.

Planning out your meals helps you fill your week with foods that fuel your body and have a rock-solid plan for getting healthy meals on the table. Let’s get started meal planning like a pro!

Step 1: Identify potential challenges

Grab your calendar because it plays a huge part in meal planning. Look at the week ahead and identify what meals will be the hardest to get in. Identify your schedule challenges so you can effectively be prepared for those days.

Step 2: Schedule your shopping and prep time

Next, find where you have some free time in your schedule. You’ll want to pencil in grocery shopping and food prep time. Prepping ingredients ahead of time can be a major time saver! For example, by cooking a whole chicken and shredding you’ll have the main ingredient for several weekly meals ready to go. Dish up some chili, quickly put together tacos, or top a fresh green salad with chicken.

For more tips and tricks for planning like a pro, download our FREE MEAL PLANNING GUIDE

Step 3: Find some favorite healthy recipes

Planning your meals will be easier if you have healthy recipes that your family loves that you can rely on. Start by identifying two to three favorite, go-to recipes. Next, find a new healthy recipe to try this week. If your family loves it, add it to the rotation. If they’re not a fan, try a different one next week.

Step 4: Portion out your meals

Control your food portions by putting your meals into individual containers. This helps you make sure you don’t binge eat or run out of food before you planned. It also makes food easier to grab on the go and more convenient.

Get the full, downloadable Ultimate Meal Planning Guide for FREE. This download includes meal planning resources and planning charts that help you plan ahead.