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5 Tips For Healthy Snacking

Written by Profile | July 13, 2022

So, you are saying you want me to EAT MORE when I am trying to lose weight?! Yes, we are! Snacking throughout the day is actually a good thing because it keeps our bodies metabolizing and fueled all day long. With that being said, sometimes snacking can get out of hand if we're not mindful when eating. Here are 5 tips on how to appropriately snack to keep you on track towards your weight loss goals!

Don't know what mindful eating is? Profile's Learning and Development Specialist Natalie Papini discusses mindful eating and provides us with some practical ideas and logical first steps to get you started. Check it out!

Snacking Tips:

  1. Choosing foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, and fats are a great base for creating a filling and satisfying snack. All of these macronutrients work together to keep you full and energized. Try opting for lean proteins, heart healthy fats, and carbohydrates that are high in fiber.

  2. Be mindful while snacking and listen to your hunger and fullness cues. Avoid snacking while watching TV or working on a computer – these activities can make it difficult for you to listen to your body and we fall into the trap of overeating.

  3. Pay attention to your portion size and snack in moderation. Snacks help ward off hunger between meals. Divide snacks into smaller containers or baggies to maintain a portion that’s right for you and appropriate for your nutrition plan. 

  4. Plan your snacks as part of your weekly meal planning to help you avoid a not so nutritious option. Make your snacks grab-and-go so you can stash in your bag to avoid that hangry feeling.

  5. Focus on nutrients instead of calories. Sometimes low-calorie snacks lack many beneficial nutrients. A nutrient-dense snack is rich in vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fat.

Ideas for Healthy Snacks:

  • Veggies + Hummus

  • Cottage Cheese + Grapes + Almonds

  • Apple + Cheese Stick + Popcorn

  • Avocado Toast + Hard Boiled Egg

  • Greek Yogurt + Mixed Berries + Chia Seeds