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Weight Loss Success During Covid: Che’s Story | Profile Plan

Written by Profile | January 22, 2021

Che Wilkinson adores his family. And his family adores food. “We’re an African American family in Texas, and we have always had a love affair with food. I grew up in a world where we go to church, and then we go eat. There’s a lot of food, and oftentimes it’s unhealthy.”

That and so many things in his life have changed since starting his health journey with Profile Plan. Che has lost 60 pounds* – all during a global pandemic. “At the start of Covid-19, there were the shutdowns and the emotions of that, and I was overeating even more than usual. I didn’t even know how much the pandemic was weighing on me.”

Seeing tons of benefits with his weight loss success

Che’s turning point, and what ultimately led him to Profile, came in a doctor’s office. “They told me I was pre-this and pre-that. That was going to be my life if I didn’t make some changes. I was 44 and starting to feel more ailments. My back hurt, and my feet were hurting.” He decided to make those changes with the help of Profile.

Once his transformation with Profile kicked into full gear, Che realized how differently he could deal with his emotions and unhealthy traditions and habits. “It’s not just about the scale. I can go up and down stairs easier. My shirts fit. I’ve learned to be prepared for what I’m going to eat every day. I’ve learned how to adapt and eat healthy during things like Covid and holidays.”

And he’s bringing his relatives right along with him as he changes his life. “I’m long-distance with my family, so I send them pictures when I have victories. So really, they’re on the journey with me also, and I’d like to help them get healthy too.” When Che officially moved from “obese” to “overweight,” he sent them a note and felt encouraged when they cheered him on. “That was so exciting for me.”

Why he saw success with Profile versus other diets

Che didn’t always feel so confident. “I was hopeful before I started, but I was leery. I had been on diets before, and I’d do it for a month and then put the pounds back on.” That wasn’t the case this time. He found partnering with the same nutrition coach his entire journey to be very helpful. “I don’t know if I could have done it without that accountability. She’s just a wealth of information. She’s calm. She’s encouraging. That’s just a big-time thing for me.”

He also travels for his job quite a bit, and Che has been able to adjust the program to his schedule. “It fits my lifestyle. The food is good. There’s a great variety. With other things, I’d get 30 days in and be sick and tired of it. There’s still freshness with this.”

Looking forward to new goals

Che has his eyes set on new goals for 2021 – another 30 pounds – and he has no plans of slowing down. Five years ago, he ran a half marathon and looks forward to running another one, or a Spartan race – this time in much better shape. “I want to do something that is outside my comfort zone a bit. My whole mindset is just really that I want a healthier lifestyle. I’m going to keep going.”