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Jazmine Newsome had a fierce commitment to putting health as a priority from day one of her Profile Plan journey. “I told them (Profile) that I was committing to this for myself 1,000 percent. If it doesn’t work, it’s on me.” She called on that tough love throughout her journey, leading her to a 45-pound weight loss, a recommitment to exercise, and transformed habits.
It was after college when Jazmine realized that putting health as a priority was increasingly important. “I was in college and then graduate school, and then I was traveling and really not taking care of me. This program helped me realize that I can still live my best life in a healthy way.”
Jazmine said it’s not uncommon for her to be the one with a protein bar at a social outing with friends or tell someone she is unavailable the next day unless they can spend time with her during a workout session. “Those choices are not for everyone around me, but I still feel supported. I don’t feel guilty for wanting to be a better me.”
Jazmine said a major focus of putting health as a priority was celebrating and pushing forward despite setbacks. “It was so important to focus on those non-scale victories. I might not hit a certain goal, but then I focused on what I did accomplish. That’s what kept me going.”
She also didn’t let the Covid-19 pandemic become a stumbling block. “I had just started pushing myself, and then Covid hit,” she says, which made it impossible to continue her workout routine at the gym. She used the opportunity to log on to local Zoom workout sessions. “You have to create your own communities. I had some of my best workouts right in my living room. At first, I thought Covid was going to be a setback, but then I just made sure I had the mindset that it wasn’t going to be.”
Cementing a positive mindset for Jazmine also includes reflection, something she found deeply powerful through journaling. “The journaling is super important. I can really look back and see the person I have grown into. It’s also a great recap to my week because I can get all of the negative things out on paper, but then be able to pull out the positives too.”
Jazmine is encouraged by what she sees on the outside as much as she has changed on the inside from putting her health as a priority. “Physically, I am the strongest I have been since high school, probably stronger. Seeing my body transform has been so cool.”
Once you prove to yourself you can change your life, it’s motivation to keep moving forward in all areas, she says. “I don’t want anything holding me back. I am mentally tougher than I thought. When I think I can’t keep going, I take another step. I was sitting with my mom the other day, and she said, ‘I’m so proud of you for just wanting more for yourself.'”
Jazmine says she’s not a special case for change, and a health journey is possible for everyone. “People are stronger than they think they are and my theme in life right now is ‘jump.’ We block opportunities for so many things by not starting. The first step is always the hardest.”
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*Individual results will vary. Active Profile Members following our program lose 1-3 pounds per week on average. In clinical trials, individuals receiving coaching lost about three times more weight than those without coaching. See full Terms of Service Agreement for details. Not available in select states or stores. Precise not available in all states.
**Not available in all states. See full Membership Agreement for full details.
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