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Keirsten’s Story: Confidence to Stay on Track | Profile Plan

Written by Profile | June 6, 2020

Profile Member, Keirsten, has an incredible story to tell and we’re honored to share it.

I have always been challenged with weight. I considered myself, and convinced myself that I was big boned and it was in my genes to be heavy. I’ve tried multiple ways to drop weight fast although I was never able to maintain any success I may have had. I always strive to match the strong, confident woman I am on the inside with the right look that portrays the same image to others, regardless of my size. I have an inherited family value that with hard work, you can accomplish anything. But somehow this philosophy did not translate to my weight challenges.

Experimenting with very unhealthy food and discovering a hidden talent for making gourmet cupcakes, I had reached an all time high weight. I now looked in the mirror and saw an image I could no longer control with a good jacket. The clothing that fueled my confidence was not providing me the escape from reality that it once did. I knew I needed a change. I also knew it had to be something that provided fast results.

I keep my life extremely scheduled and I needed a regiment that provided structure and a plan – short and long term. Profile gave me this option. Vegetables were a common ingredient and this was a food option that did not land in any recipe experimentation in the past. Profile also provided a coach. However, I did not feel comfortable talking to a stranger about a personal challenge I had spent my whole life avoiding. If I was going to transform my approach, I needed a change that was very different than any attempt I had tried in the past. Profile offered the structure that was critical for me to change my life.

Profile has been a journey. The plan introduced me to vegetables and portion control that not only gave me new recipe experimentation options, but new cravings for a healthy twist. My coach made me feel comfortable discussing my personal plan and goals guiding me through my transformation and nutritional education. In the Profile Plan, I was the one making the decisions and the choices. I made the change for myself first, but along the way my family was motivated by my success and actively supported all the changes to our lifestyle seeing results for themselves as well. Taking time for exercise is now a priority and we are creating new memories through quality time at the pool and other activities.

Sustaining my success will continue to be a journey but Profile provided me the tools, and the confidence I need to stay on track*. When I think back to one year ago as I struggled with the decision to make a change in my life, I don’t really know what personal ingredient made me so dedicated to the effort this time. However, I do know that Profile, and all the support it provided, made the difference in me reaching a goal weight.