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Club Pilates & Profile, the Perfect Solution to Julia's Success!

Written by Profile | August 4, 2022

Disney or Bust! 

In December of 2021, Julia Waner and her family took an exciting trip to Disney World. Julia was excited to spend this time with her family and watch her six-year-old granddaughter enjoy all that Disney had to offer. But, Julia had to enjoy the parks on a scooter, one that was more cumbersome than helpful for her. Because of her weight, age, knees and back pain, she knew she could not walk the parks. She decided to endured the inefficient scooter and Julia "was miserable about her situation."

She knew she had to do something because her daughter-in-law said they were coming back to Disney someday, and Julia did not want a repeat of having to use a faulty scooter. This anger and frustration triggered action:

“I found a spot and sat down, googled to see what I could do when I returned from my trip, and Club Pilates popped up on my phone.”  

Club Pilates Starts Julia’s Weight-Loss Journey 

Julia joined Club Pilates when she returned from this trip.

“My doctor told me that my knee problems started in my back, so I wanted to join Club Pilates for stretching and for my core. I knew Pilates would help me with that, but I also needed something else for the weight loss.”

Every time Julia would go to Pilates, she would see the Profile store next door, so she asked her manager if she recommended it:

“My manager said ‘Yeah!’ and walked me over and introduced me. I set up an appointment for a consultation, and I’ve been happy ever since. It’s just been wonderful!”

Julia started Profile in February of 2022 at 70 years old and 203 pounds. As Julia was already building strength through Pilates, she started losing weight right away once introduced to Profile:

“I started losing weight and haven’t stopped! My first week, I lost five pounds. It was a combination of Pilates and Profile that has helped me lose and continue to lose.” 

Profile Food + Profile 1-on-1 Coaching = Julia’s Success 

Julia was determined to make her new lifestyle change work for her:

“I was a Diet-Coke-aholic. I would drink three 20 oz bottles a day, and I gave that all up. I was not drinking enough water, now I drink 64 ounces a day.”

It was not unusual for her to drive through Sonic for her favorite, Diet Cherry Coke, adding to that a corndog, hotdog or hamburger with fixings. She hasn’t returned to Sonic since she started…four months ago! 

Julia remained positive and even more determined saying,

“I was so determined that I needed to lose weight; I knew the program would help me if I just followed it.”

To her, the first three weeks were really easy:

“I haven’t found a shake or bar that I don’t like. My Profile plan is so in-tune with my life and my activity level, I am rarely, if ever, hungry. If I do feel hungry, it’s always just about time for my next meal.”

She uses the Profile Journey app on her phone, checking off her vegetables, fats, lean proteins, shakes and bars. She uses her Diet Coke money for Profile approved snacks from her store, one of her favorites being the barbecue chips:

“The first time I got them, I thought the bag was too full. I couldn’t eat them all."

1-on-1Coaching: “It’s Good to Have Someone on My Side.”

Julia had tried other methods of losing weight in the past, one being WW. WW lacked personal coaching to help her stay on track and Profile supplied this. Julia’s coach has always been encouraging to her, asking about her week, celebrating even the smallest of victories whether it’s a couple of pounds or a couple of ounces lost, the pom poms come out. She also has had discussions about challenges she’s experiencing:

“I make sure I stay on my plan because I don’t like confessing to my coach what I shouldn’t have eaten, though she never scolds me or makes me feel guilty. We simply talk and pick up where we left off. It’s a new day.” 

On and Off the Scale Successes 

Since July of 2022, Julia’s on-scale success is a drop from 203 lbs to 169.8 lbs, a loss of 33 lbs in only four months! With this new weight and a loss of 22.5 inches, she can go into her closet of “smaller clothes” and pick out some that now fit. Through her membership with Club Pilates, she has less back and knee pain and her mobility has increased. Her most outstanding off-scale success are the comments from her friends:

“My friends have definitely seen a change in me even when I cannot. They’ll say, ‘How much have you lost because you really look good! “It feels so good to have your cohorts and friends say something about your new look.”

Julia is ready for her next trip to Disney World!

“I couldn’t have done it without Club Pilates and Profile. Each program was individualized to fit my needs and each gave me the support I needed to keep going. If you’re considering weight loss, do it! It’s worth it. Joining both Club Pilates and Profile is the best thing I've ever done!"