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How to Choose the Best Weight Loss Program For You

Written by Profile | January 5, 2021

If you’ve decided it’s time to get healthy and shed those extra pounds, you are probably looking for a weight loss program to help you reach your goals—and stay there.

Choosing the best weight loss program for yourself is a big decision, and requires a commitment to long-term behavioral changes. With so many options out there, how do you know which one is right for you?

We have put together some points to consider as you choose your weight loss partner. Read on!

15 Things To Consider For the Best Weight Loss Program For Yourself

1. Your Weight Loss Goals

You can’t start something without goals or motives, especially when it comes to losing weight.

So before you look for the best weight loss plan, ask yourself first: Why do I want to lose weight? What is will losing weight help me accomplish?

If you a new mom looking to shed the pregnancy weight? You’d likely need a plan that doesn’t compromise on nutrients and calories and helps you heal and produce enough breast milk.

Do you have any health problems that require a special type of diet? Get health tips from your doctors first to know the right plan based on your existing conditions.

Each person's situation is different, but it is important to understand and communicate your personal situation with your weight loss coach, doctor or support system. We also recommend setting both "scale" and "non-scale" goals. There is nothing wrong with measuring progress based on the number you see on the scale. However, it is equally important to set out goals that aren't specifically related to your current weight. 

For example, some non-scale goals may be: 

  • eat five servings of fruits or vegetables
  • exercise for 30 minutes daily
  • keep yourself hydrated all day long

2. Look back at the past weight loss programs you’ve tried

Think about the weight loss diets you’ve already tried. What did you like about them? What did you dislike? Were there parts of the program that worked for you, but other parts you couldn’t sustain?

It’s important to identify what you liked and what kept you motivated so you can look for those traits in your next weight loss program (and avoid what didn’t work!).If you struggled with holding yourself accountable, consider getting support from a health coach to help keep you on track. If you value convenience, look for a program with an easy-to-use app that makes it simple to track your progress. 

We recommend making a list of the pros and cons of previous programs and diets you have tried, so you can identify what you need to be successful in the future. 

3. Talk To Your Doctor

Before starting your weight loss and diet plan, ask your doctor to review your medical history and give advice on the right program for you. A person with a pre-existing condition such as heart disease requires a doctor-approved diet plan to maximize the health benefits and avoid potential risk factors. Your doctor will check your past and current medications that could affect your weight loss journey.

Be open to your physician about your previous efforts to lose weight and your current preferences. The doctor might be able to refer you to related weight-loss support groups, a health coach or a reputable dietitian.

4. The type of support that’s offered

Some weight loss programs offer support through an online community, others offer group support, and some provide one-on-one coaching. Think about the level of support you need to stay on track and accountable.

5. Education and training

Make sure you know the brains behind the operation. Is it backed by science? A healthcare system? A physician? What kind of education/certification/training do they have?

Learn more about the Profile coach certification program and protocols

6. Budget

Your health and happiness are definitely worth the investment, but it’s also important to look at the value you are getting for the price. Is it reasonable, or does it put a strain on your wallet? Will investing in your health now save you money on doctor fees, medication and/or food in the long run? 

7. The Meal Plan

Take a close look at the meal plan and menu options for each weight loss program. Is your diet plan low-fat or high-protein? Is it a strict plan or does it provide general guidelines? Do you have to purchase supplements or special food? If so, for how long? Does the plan you choose teach you how to prepare and chose healthy options that fit your lifestyle and needs? 

8. Flexibility

Life happens, so in order to be successful long term, you need a plan that fits your routine. Is the weight loss program flexible or restrictive? Are certain foods off-limits (particularly your favorite foods)? Are there many food options available that are convenient and that you enjoy? 

9. Balance

A healthy weight loss program offers a wide variety of different foods, rich in nutrients, and representative of all of the food groups. Is the program you are considering a healthy balance of nutrition?

10. Likeability

To enjoy your chosen way to lose weight, your diet plan must include food choices that you like.  If you don’t like the meals included, or if it is too restrictive or boring, you probably won’t stick to it in the long run. Check if the meal plan adheres to your cultural or ethnic requirements or preferences.

11. Exercise

Exercise has countless health benefits and should be a part of any weight loss plan. How much exercise is required in the program? Can you make it work in your life, or is it too aggressive?

12. Duration, risks, and results

Take a look at the program’s outcomes. How long does the program last? Are there any risks associated with the program? What results can you expect to see? Check out the reviews and testimonials of people who have used the program.

13. Self-monitoring

Tracking food, exercise, and milestones is one of the best ways to stay motivated and focused on your goals. Does the program offer a way to monitor your progress?

14. A holistic approach

A good weight loss program is not just about weight loss. It also gives you tips on managing stress, staying motivated, getting enough sleep, and planning healthy meals. Does the program acknowledge more than just the scale?

15. A maintenance program

Once you work hard to lose weight, you will want to keep it off. What kind of maintenance support does the program offer to keep those pounds from inching back up?

What To Avoid When Choosing Weight Loss Plans

Keep in mind that losing weight and getting healthy is not a quick fix. As you are doing your research, watch out for weight loss programs that offer too-good-to-be-true results. Here are some red flags to be aware of:

  • Diet programs that state you can eat as much as you want
  • Diets plans that promise you will spot-reduce (flatten your stomach, shrink your waistline, etc.)
  • Diets that guarantee dramatic weight loss in a short amount of time, such as 30 pounds in 30 days, 10 pounds in a week, etc.
  • Weight loss companies that promise fat loss with pills
  • Program that are not rooted in science or approved by physicians

Get the Best Weight Loss Program from Profile

We hope you will consider Profile as your weight loss partner of choice. Our program is backed by science and helps you lose weight the healthy way—with a combination of delicious meal options and compassionate, one-on-one health coaching.

We offer well-balanced, flexible meal plans, tracking tools to monitor your progress, and ongoing support to help you meet your goals and stay there. We are committed to your health, happiness, and lasting lifestyle changes.

Now you have the tools to find your perfect weight loss program. Get started now on your weight loss journey by downloading the free 13 Tips and Tools to Help Guarantee Weight Loss Success guide.