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Four Proactive Strategies for Holiday Foods| Profile Plan

Written by Profile | December 10, 2021

'Tis the season for indulgence! From eggnog to cookies and fruitcake, the holiday spread is filled with mouthwatering temptations. But fear not, for there are proactive steps you can take to prioritize your health without missing out on the festivities.

 Mastering a Healthy Holiday Diet

During the holidays, favorite dishes cooked with love can evoke special memories and ignite gleeful anticipation. It's tempting to indulge, reasoning that these treats are only enjoyed once a year. However, moderation is key!

TIP 1: Allow yourself a small portion of your beloved dish, knowing that you can savor it on another occasion. Avoid overeating by practicing portion control and seeking support from a weight loss coach.

Overcoming Holiday Cravings

It often starts innocently with a bite here and a taste there, only to realize later the extent of overindulgence. Don't fall into the trap of telling yourself you'll start fresh in the New Year!

TIP 2: Shift your mindset and compensate for any indulgences by adjusting your next meal. Remember, two wrongs don't make a right. Seek guidance from a weight loss coach, and sticking to a weight loss program will definitely set you on the right path.

Achieving Positive Results

Sometimes, in hopes of enjoying the season more, we deviate from our nutritional plan. This can lead to obsessing, sadness, and frustration over veering off track. Conflicting thoughts and guilt create an internal struggle that taints the holiday joy.

TIP 3: Take charge of your eating choices by planning ahead. By doing so, you'll enter the New Year with a sense of contentment and confidence, knowing you're one step closer to your weight loss goals. A weight loss coach can provide personalized strategies to help you stay on course.

Navigating Family Gatherings

Holiday traditions often involve favorite foods that may hinder your progress. It's okay to set them aside for a year and explore new alternatives.

TIP 4: Consider preparing a low-carb meal and offering a single low-calorie dessert instead of a dessert buffet. While some family members may have temporary disappointment, you may be starting new holiday traditions as your loved ones appreciate the healthier menu. Prioritize your well-being and seek guidance from a weight loss coach to navigate family gatherings successfully.

Lastly, Consider This:

Have you ever returned from a party where you stayed in control of your food choices, yet felt a sense of longing for those enticing treats? Probably not. Being in control of your life feels empowering and brings satisfaction!

If you're determined to achieve your weight loss goals during the holiday season, enlist the assistance of a weight loss coach. They can provide expert guidance and accountability to create a customized weight loss plan tailored to your needs and preferences. With their support, you can enjoy the holidays while staying focused on your health.

We know you can do it, and Profile can help! Set up a pre-holiday appointment with a certified Profile coach to game plan for the holidays. You’ll be happy you did and, ultimately, more successful because of it!