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Thanksgiving Dinner Healthy Tips and Tricks | Profile Plan

Written by Profile | June 6, 2020

Thanksgiving dinner does not have to derail your weight loss and weight maintenance goals…

Planning for the Big Day!

Take a moment before the holiday begins to think about how Thanksgiving will be different for you this year? You are on a Profile plan and so this year you are different. Since being on a Profile plan you understand how to make good food choices and to plan for the foods you will eat each day. You are in control of the food you put into your body– the food is not controlling you. So this year consider writing down a Thanksgiving Pre-Meal Plan. The good news is that with just a little planning you will experience a wonderful Thanksgiving with no regrets.

Simple Tips and Tricks to Help You Create Your Thanksgiving Pre-Meal Plan

  • Plan your meal in advance to make sure you can get the ingredients you need and can delegate cooking responsibilities to others, if needed
  • If eating at another’s home, be sure to bring a dish that you can eat. Keep your eyes focused on the foods you wrote down that you can eat
  • Do not waste precious calories on sugary drinks, punches, and alcohol
  • It is not about deprivation. It is ok to plan for a splurge if that helps you to not feel deprived and to stay in control of the rest of your day

The Day of Thanksgiving

  • Begin the day of Thanksgiving as you do all other days by sticking to your regular eating plan and getting in a work out if possible.
  • Drink sparkling water with a hint of mint or citrus, put it in a pretty glass and you will feel as festive as the alcohol drinkers.
  • Once you have finished your plate, take stock in how you feel, repeat to yourself, “I feel good and I am satisfied, I have had enough.” Do not linger at the table instead invite guests to go for a walk with you or help with clean up.
  • Take a break before eating dessert. This gives the body time to feel full.
  • Leftovers! Don’t want them! Don’t need them! Make a plan in advance to get rid of the leftovers and remove the temptation. Invite guests to fill the containers they brought with them with the leftover food.

Take in the Spirit of the Day

  • Celebrate and give thanks for the extravagant bounty that we all enjoy!
  • Relish in the friends and family that made this day so special.
  • Congratulate yourself for the control you exhibited in this meal.
  • Be aware of how you are feeling now after this meal, not stuffed but pleasant and satisfied. proud of not having a “Thanksgiving meal hangover” and that you were in control.

As Necessary As Important

  • If you don’t feel like congratulating yourself for a job well done, tell yourself it’s ok, move your thoughts forward, and get right back on the plan.
  • From now forward get back on your weight loss and weight maintenance journey.
  • Be kind to yourself and realize that this is just one meal and one day.