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Did you know that your body and mind are powerful allies? When trying to establish new, healthy habits it is natural for us to focus on changing our routines to prioritize our fitness and nutrition. We may be getting in-tune with our calorie or macro intake or working towards a sustainable exercise routine, but what are we doing for our mind? Below we’ve outline 10 of our favorite tips to help you prioritize your mental health this week (and moving forward!).
You may feel like you are not enough in all of the different roles you hold (personally as a partner and/or parent, professionally, etc.). Self-compassion is the ability to offer yourself the same kindness and care you would offer to a friend who is struggling. Take a moment and reflect on all the ways in which you show up for other people. Extend the same support to yourself that you would to your closest friends. Want more tips on self-compassion? We put a guide together for this.
Good, quality sleep can change your life. First, examine your bedtime routine. Are you spending a lot of time looking at screens before bed? Do you toss and turn at night and wake up feeling more tired? What about your caffeine intake? Restorative sleep can improve your mood and your ability to focus throughout the day. Check out our sleep guide for practical tips on how to improve the quality of your sleep.
Finding three good things in each day takes a few moments and can help improve mood! To start, write down three things you appreciate about the day. It can be anything ranging from a delicious meal, a conversation with a friend, or having a roof over your head.
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” -G.K. Chesterton
Are you a “yes” person? We are all prone over-commit to things that don’t bring us joy or end up sucking up all our time. One tip to freeing up some time in your schedule is to begin saying “no thank you” when asked or offered to do something. Look at your reoccurring commitments and decide which one(s) can be delegated or simply declined. Use that time instead to do something you love (like read a book, play with your kids, or watch an episode of a show).
Mindfulness is the ability to be present in the moment without passing judgment. Imagine your life right now if you weren’t constantly distracted by the buzz of a phone or the tendency to think about what you must do for the rest of the week. Mindfulness requires attentive presence to the moment you are currently in. Next time you catch yourself thinking about a past moment or worrying about a future event or moment that hasn’t happened yet, try telling yourself to “be where your feet are.” Try putting your phone on do not disturb or taking a few minutes to stretch or just breathe. A few moments of peace a day can make a huge difference in the long run!
Spending time with your friends and people who make you smile can help lower stress and improve relationships. Call or text someone you love to grab coffee or tea, go to the gym or see a movie.
Volunteering your time for a cause you care about can improve your mental wellbeing and health your communities. Research different nonprofits in your area to determine how you can best help others.
Spending time outdoors can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Look up the weather in your area to determine appropriate clothing and items needed to spend time outside. Being outside usually reduces distractions and noise that are common indoors. With fewer things demanding your attention, you can relax more.
A brisk walk, stretching or doing a quick workout can do wonders for your mental health. Being physically active (even for 5-minute bouts) can improve mood. Exercise has also been shown to alleviate depression and anxiety. Schedule some movement into your day. It doesn’t need to be a lot, and it doesn’t need to involve equipment. All movement is good and can help you feel better!
When there’s a million things to get done and another task comes up unexpectedly, it can be easy to skip the time you blocked off for yourself to recharge. This tendency to “power through” tasks and prioritize to-do list items is what leads to feeling depleted and restless all the time. Next time this happens, stick with your plan of caring for yourself. Don’t delete the appointment you made with yourself. Treat it like you would treat an appointment with your primary care provider or a promised lunch date with a friend. You will likely find that taking this time to recharge allows you to do more, not less.
Our certified Profile health coaches have a number of resources that can help you with strategies to improve your mental wellbeing. Get in touch with a coach today who can discuss your interests and help you plan goals around focusing on your mental health.
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