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Reset Your Diet: Free Guide to Get Back on Track | Profile Plan

Written by Profile | January 20, 2021

Ever made great progress toward a health goal, had a small slip-up, and fell back into your old way of living? If you answered yes, we have a guide that will help you reset your diet!

You see, falling back into old behaviors is actually quite common. So much so that our coaches put together a great resource to get you back on track. They’re calling it the ULTIMATE guide on relapse prevention!

A relapse is a complete return to old behavior patterns. And when you make a small slip into old behaviors, it is called a lapse. This guide teaches you how to keep a lapse from turning into a relapse.

In this guide, you’ll find six easy steps to reset your diet and get back on track. Our coaches also put together a hands-on section that will help you create a plan to prevent future lapses. You’ll also learn how to take your negative thoughts and turn them into positives. Thinking positive is the key to getting over a lapse!

Ready to overcome those small slip-ups and keep chugging toward your goals? Download the free guide and you’ll be more than ready to do so.

Download your free ULTIMATE relapse prevention guide.