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What a Day of Meals and Activity Looks Like Following the Perform Plan

Written by Profile Plan | June 30, 2021

Are you ready to be all-in on an active lifestyle? Want to improve your athletic performance? If you said yes, then our Perform nutrition plan is for you. This plan was designed to fuel an active lifestyle and includes six meals or snacks throughout the day.

Perform can also be combined with our popular Reboot plan to help support weight loss and fitness goals. Here is an example of what a day of meals and activity looks like for a member following Perform:

Breakfast: 7 AM

For breakfast, you can enjoy something like a Greek yogurt parfait with mixed berries, toasted granola, and silvered almonds. Try to eat breakfast within an hour of waking up to get your metabolism going.

Why we recommend this meal: Greek yogurt is an excellent source of protein and probiotics, which supports a healthy gut. Mixed berries are loaded with antioxidants and are high in fiber. Toasted granola is filling because it’s rich in protein, fiber, and micronutrients. A tasty breakfast with a ton of health benefits!

Pre- & post-workout: 8:30 AM

When you have your pre- and post-workout supplements will depend on the time of your workout. For this example, let’s say a member is planning a 20-mile bike ride at 8:30 a.m.

They would start drinking the pre-workout about 20 minutes before the ride. Since this will be a longer workout, the member would continue to drink the pre-workout for sustained energy. Once their ride is complete, they would drink a post-workout shake within 30 minutes.

How pre- and post-workout supplements work: Our pre-workout drink includes electrolytes, caffeine, taurine, and vitamins and minerals to keep you fueled during your workout with sustained energy. The post-workout shake includes quality protein, BCAAs, glutamine, and probiotics to support muscle recovery.

Lunch: Noon

On the menu for lunch is a tasty chicken wrap paired with roasted carrots. The whole-grain wrap includes grilled veggies and chicken (marinated in Parmesan Caesar dressing) with some brown rice.

Why we recommend this meal: We chose a whole-wheat wrap over a flour tortilla for more nutrition. Brown rice is a fiber-rich option that is filling. The grilled chicken is a great protein source, and grilled veggies provide a variety of health benefits. We paired the wrap with roasted carrots, which are a highly nutritious source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Our salad dressings are a great option because they are low in calories, fat, and sodium.

Afternoon snack: 3 PM

Around mid-afternoon, you can snack on some pretzel crisps with guacamole.

Why we recommend this snack: Enjoyed in moderation, pretzels are a great snack to eat after a long, sweaty bike ride or run. The pretzels deliver quick energy, and the salt helps to replace the sodium lost through sweating. Guacamole is a great dip choice because the avocados provide heart-healthy fats and gut-friendly fiber.

Supper: 6 PM

For supper, you can enjoy a New York Strip Steak served alongside roasted veggies and a baked potato topped with fat-free sour cream, butter, and ¾ ounce of cheese. And don’t forget dessert. Dish up some non-fat frozen yogurt.

Why we recommend this meal: Beef is a high source of protein as well as vitamin B12 and B6, zinc, selenium, iron, and phosphorus. Of course, roasted veggies are always a nutritious choice packed with various minerals and vitamins. The baked potato is rich in vitamin C and B6 as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and more.

Evening snack: 8 PM

And to end the evening, if you’re feeling some hunger before bed, you can enjoy an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Bar alongside an apple dipped in peanut butter.

Why we recommend this snack: Our Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Bar is a high-protein snack option that will keep you feeling full longer. An apple with peanut butter also has a lot of health benefits, including balancing your blood sugar and supporting digestion.

What members have to say about Perform:

“I am surprised by what I can do while running and also during my daily exercises. Profile Perform has given me more endurance to have a successful and, more importantly, safe workout.” – Heather B., 40lbs down

Ready to go all-in on your active lifestyle with a Perform plan of your own? Schedule a free consultation to learn more from a Profile health coach.